![Treasure of Saint-Lazare](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51U%2BFbjX8gL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-59,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg)
I am an avid reader, I much prefer something with a little action and mystery to romance or the unreal.
I recently read John Pearce's New book titled "Treasure of Saint-Lazare" . I loved the facts of the book and all the research put in to the book by the Author.
The Books started out a bit hard to follow but after only a few pages I was quickly able to understand the story line and identify the characters, which is sometimes hard to do when you first start reading a book.
I was impressed with the vivid words that described the setting of each piece of the book. ranging from 1944 to 2008, This book tells a story from Florida to Paris, of stolen art to mysterious happenings.
I love the credibility of the the sights, the story, and the characters. Everything about this book remains realistic throughout the story.
"Treasure of Saint-Lazare" is a book published by a new author and is one i truly enjoyed reading. I look forward to reading the sequence when it comes out.
Brie, Thanks for this review. I'd very much appreciate it if you'd also post it on Amazon. The book page is http://j.mp/UKIVVi
ReplyDeleteJohn Pearce
I G+1 this post.. great review! I LOVE reading.. i can read a book a day, if my kids would let me that is:) lol I love reading about murders, mysteries, romance, adventures, the back of cereal boxes.. you know, anything with words! lol Definitely going to check this book out.